SIGA announce Integrity and Anti-Corruption in Sport 2023 event
SIGA, the Sport Integrity Global Alliance, announced their Anti-Corruption week , which will take place between December 9 and 15 . Corruption is widespread and deep-rooted. It is a global, complex and sophisticated phenomenon, and often involves transnational organised crime. Sport is not immune to this complex issue, and that is why SIGA will host, for the second consecutive year, the Anti-Corruption Week (9-15 December), coinciding with the International Anti-Corruption Day. From the 9-15 December SIGA is mobilising all its members, committed supporters and all like-minded individuals and organisations to participate in the Alliance’s Anti-Corruption Week . This crucial week will comprise a wide range of initiatives aimed at addressing the most critical challenges , promote best practice, enhance cooperation and instigate the implementation of the most urgent and effective reforms, both ...