The Adam’s Calendar: A 300000 Year Old Ancient Alien Site Or Ancient Advanced Civilization?

A mysterious stone structure, which was discovered accidentally in 2003, and known as Adam’s Calendar, is hidden in the hills and only a few people know about it. It is believed that the structure is the oldest man-made edifice.

It was discovered by a South African pilot, Johan Heine. While he was flying over the Mpumalanga region (a hilly territory in the east of South Africa), his plane got out of control. In order to save his plane, he opted for an emergency landing, but unfortunately, he crashed into a mountainside. After the crash, Johan exited the plane, and miraculously, he was fine and unhurt. Outside, he came across three monolithic dolomite stones, which were massive and weighed around 5 metric tonnes (5.5 US tons). These stones were protruding out of the earth, and next to them was a big circle made out of stones.

It was believed that if there had been no crash, then the site would have been undiscovered because the site is located in an exceedingly isolated area and the paths that lead to it are broken and full of dust. On the other hand, the discovery made by Heine was pretty outstanding. The megalithic site was termed “Adam’s Calendar” because it seemed to be an extremely old stone calendar.

Adams's Calendar
Adams’s Calendar

The Stonehenge Of The African Continent

The structure discovered by Heine appeared to be the oldest man-made structure ever. According to theories, the structure is believed to be 300,000 years old, long before any other evidence of human civilization has been discovered.

According to researchers, if the structure is really this old, then it would require the help of a very advanced civilization, which ultimately indicates that the structure was built by ancient aliens.

The whole site looks like a calendar, as it is built with stones that are placed with astronomical alignments. The site is made up of an outer circle made up of stones. The diameter of the circle is around 30 meters (98 feet). Also, inside the circle, there are multiple monoliths arranged in a complicated way.

Near the site, there are also other similar structures and stone circles that are placed in complementary alignments and connected by a series of channels. According to scientists and researchers, these channels do not only lead to Adam’s Calendar but also connect to many other ruins and ancient agricultural terraces in the landscape.

Mpumalanga Region( A Hilly Territory In The East Of South Africa)
Mpumalanga Region( A Hilly Territory In The East Of South Africa)

In the middle of the circle, there are two stones standing in an upright position, and they also have carvings upon them. Most of the building materials, including stones, appear to have been brought from a faraway place. Only the aerial view of the site shows the clear shape of the calendar.

Clearly, from the materials used in the construction of the site and the apparent need for aerial observation of the site, it suggests that it had been built by ancient aliens and not by humans. Now the question arises, why is the site being built in this remote area?

The answer to the above question might be that the location in which the Adams calendar has been constructed is rich in gold resources. Even the richest gold mine at the present time, i.e., Sheba Gold Mine is in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Possibly, the maker of the structure may have found these resources useful.

Even after so many centuries, this calendar still works perfectly and is used by people to track the time of day and year. The time is determined by the shadow of the setting sun, as the taller monolith casts the shadow of the sun across the center of the flat stone beside it.

Inadequately Appreciated and Doubted

The accidental discovery by Johan Heine was ignored by the archaeological community for six years. Initially, they took very little interest. It was only in 2009 when the on-site investigation began.

By the time the on-site investigation began, Heine had already conducted his own investigation. From his investigation, he made out that the stones were arranged in four cardinal directions, which indicated the solstices and equinoxes in the same way as Stonehenge.

Simplified Map Of Adams' Calendar
Simplified Map Of Adams’ Calendar

The erosion of the rocks and the lichens that grew around them helped the geologist estimate the age of Adam’s Calendar. According to researchers, the structure could be 75,000, 200,000, or even 300,000 years old.

Advanced technologies helped the researchers identify and measure the sound frequencies with the acoustic properties that the rock formations get from the Earth under them. From the research, it was also found that these frequencies originate beneath the stone circle, which led to the astonishing theory that these stones conduct electricity, but in a way, we don’t understand.

The earth’s sound frequencies within those stones created the resonant shape of flowers. This also represents a type of sacred geometry in the environment. According to Michael Tellinger, the site was built by some vanished ancient civilization, and he also believes that it is the oldest site in the world.

With all these new discoveries, there are many who believe that these hypotheses are flawed. Some mainstream scientists believe that the stone circle is nothing more than a livestock enclosure and that the site is not more than 400 years old.

The complexity and the size of the site deny the fact that the site was constructed for livestock enclosures. The History of Africa is not well documented, which also contributes to the confusion about the calendar.

Keeping An Open Mind To The Discovery

Still, there are many things left about Adams’ calendar that the general public needs to understand, and they should also keep in mind that historians and scientists are tirelessly trying to uncover the mysteries of this location.

There are many mysteries to be solved. Why is the site so complex if it is only a cattle enclosure? If the calendar is 300,000 years old, then who built it because it was only 15,000 years before Homo Sapiens first existed?

The civilization that built the site is currently the focus of research. If the researchers succeed in finding the civilization that built it, then they will be able to learn more about how that civilization lived and thrived in the region in the past.

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